海外の塾生から,「グレーシー一族のRalph Gracie の生徒、Gabe Ruediger が大道塾で練習をして、その感想を Ralph Gracie のWeb-Site に載せていています」と連絡がありました。(訳者注全文は下の“Link”をクリック、又は、“DAIDO JUKU School”を読んで下さい)
“(前文省略) I've never been so impressed with karate(こんなに空手に感動したのは初めて)  I can say if they had this style of karate here in the states when I was a kid, I would have stayed interested(もし私が子供の頃に、このような空手がアメリカに存在していたなら、私の興味を引いただろう。(後文省略)”

● 全文  DAIDO JUKU School

The good thing about Japan is there are so many schools and different styles to train at its ridiculous. A good friend of mine invited me to train at his DAIDO JUKU School. DAIDO is a very hard style of Karate. They incorporate kicks, punches, knees, head butts, throws, elbows, and a little ground fighting. Its basically organized street fighting, and they train very aggressive (They wear the full face guards, pads, and protective wear). I thought it would be a good chance to try a different style so I went to check it out. I spared with this bunch and I've never been so impressed with karate. Everyone in the class just straight brawls!! Full contact, grabbing, pushing, everything you could expect from a street altercation. It was pretty intense. They asked me to stay and teach some ground technique, and after the good standup training they gave me, I was more than happy (but tired) to oblige. DAIDO sport rules are similar to Judo in the grappling aspect, throws and 30 seconds on the ground. I taught them some basic techniques and then had to spar every black belt and brown belt on the ground.Did I say I was tired? I came back one other time, and I can say if they had this style of karate here in the states when I was a kid, I would have stayed interested. As always a great bunch of guys. They invited me back anytime I wanted to come. Their main branch is in IKEBUKURO and the phone number is 03-5953-1860. They also have a website at www.daidojuku.com. If youユre into stand up or complete fighting you wont be disappointed. 
もし、きみが 'Complete fighting(総合格闘技-訳者注)'や立ち技に興味をもっているなら(大道塾に行く事で-訳者加筆)後悔する事はないだろう。
