About links to this page
Linking to website page is generally welcome. However depending on the contents of the source page, the linking method, or the target page, we may sometimes need to decline. Your understanding is appreciated.
General directions when linking to this website
When linking to this website, please kindly abide by the following rules
The target page should always be the top page ( Please refrain from creating direct links to other pages.
- Please mention that such link is to the Official Website of the Daido Juku World Headquarters.
- Please refrain from linking to this website through an independent frame.
- Should you want to use a clickable icon as a link, please use the icon below (this icon cannot be used for purpose other than to link to this website).
Download for use
486*60px |
 160*60px |
- The appearance, proportions, color or other visual characteristics of the icon must not be altered in any way. Likewise the icon must not be cropped or its elements be extracted prior to use.
The All-Japan Kudo Federation will not reward links to its homepage in any way nor provide any remuneration in consideration thereof.
Should you not agree to the above directions, we would need to request the link to be removed immediately.
Last updated: Mar. 2014